Sunday, February 6, 2011

Relative and Fixed Properties of Time, the Law of Pairs and the Unification Principle

Today, let's consider the law of pairs as they relate to fixed properties of time. I was over at the gym to try to get back into shape for the new year and for the first time, I realized how much we depend on two of each of our hands, legs and extremities to carry out everyday tasks. Let's consider this for a moment. Human beings possess two arms, two legs, two ears, two eyes and almost everything else can be grouped in pairs. When we gather all these component parts, the human being is unified as an individual. He can stand on his own two feet so to speak rather than falling over on one side. If we put one hand over one of our eyes, we might still be able to see, but when we uncover the eye, our vision becomes unified so does our sense of smell when we breathe through two nostrils. The sense of taste however is relegated to our tongue, and our heart and our brain are the only other parts of the body that are not grouped as a pair. We cannot have two brains nor two hearts. However, all of our motor senses are governed by the law of pairs. If we didn't have two legs and two arms, then our brains and heart, that make us individuals would be overused or underestimated. Moreover, man requires a mate that consummates his being since he is heterosexual, in an immortal practice since the consummation of his being forms a pair, or an immortal union that is homogeneous. Any one thing that's combined with another thing forms a pair or a whole such as folding my hands or opening both eyes to see. We are consummated by the law of pairs, we have two lungs to breath. Similar things that are combined endlessly such as a bushel of apples can also be unified as a bushel of apples and would not be unified if there was an orange in the bushel. Unification requires similar like properties of things such as our eyes, and ears and hands and feet. When unified there also singular such as a bushel of apples or a flock of sheep. When animals unify, they may form a herd but the herd would also be considered in the singular form. Why does the unification principle exist and how does it apply to fixed properties of time. When animals form a herd for example, they are unified and thus there time is also unified and becomes fixed for all the creatures in the herd, who are also immortalized by way of their singularity. Time itself is immortal and unified, thus when a bushel of apples is sold to members of a community and the apples are divided among them and the bushel of apples is dispersed, it would not matter where each apple went or whence the apples are consumed by the community members, because as a bushel apples, they are still unified and share a singular destiny that cannot be disbanded. Thus, the law of pairs also shows us that we as human beings have a singular fate, and are also immortal creatures and embody a fixed allocation of time that is endless and unending. If an orange crept into the pail and disturbed the unity of the bushel of apples or a goat lost its way and meandered into a throng of sheep, the unification of these principles would not change since the unity of these principles is immortal and only an aberration would result that would need to be corrected. The correction is also superficial since the orange belongs to its own bushel and the goat its own flock and as fixed values, these allocations cannot be changed such as a peach tree bearing a cherry harvest. It simply cannot happen since the value is fixed as an accordance of time. Thus, the law of pairs and the unification principle will guide us in further discussions that will enable us to know how we can better understand fixed values of time as they are related to us in these superficial forms.

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