Thursday, July 28, 2022



I am writing today to express some concern about the increased rate of pet ownership in America. This has led to a decline in our moral and social outlook. It seems that there is influx of pet ownership in America in recent years. No longer is man man’s friend but man’s best friend- the dog- has taken precedence. People seem to prefer owning dogs rather than socializing with their neighbors. A lot more people are relying on companionship with dogs rather than companionship with other people. This is a serious moral decline. We need people to unite rather than own large hulking dogs that look threatening. People are more fond of their pit bulls than of their neighbors or friends. Why is this occurring? It seems that the pet market has flooded our communities with more pets than ever before. We need some kind of regulation to curb pet ownership in America. People need to socialize more, be more outgoing, attend gatherings and events, have more social contact, venture out to go to theaters and parties, rather than stay at home with their dogs. Hyper pet ownership is slowly deteriorating our culture. We need to create more incentives for people to be more outgoing and sociable, rather than owning pets. In some cultures, pets are not allowed inside the home. So why are American’s owning pets en masse? Serious thought must be given to this matter. We must recognize that owning pets creates distance among people in our communities, might be threatening to others since we are always walking our dogs rather than walking with friends, creates estrangement in our communities and is flatly sometimes, creepy and withdrawn. We need to regulate our pet economy from infiltrating our communities with too many dogs. It seems that more people are walking dogs these days than going to the movies or a social event. This should give concern to our lawmakers. At a time, when violence is escalating in our communities, and we need to bring communities together, people are exhibiting a defensive attitude by owning more dogs than ever before. More dogs are congregating in the streets than people who have likeminded values and principles. Also, we do not know if such a rapid incline has even led to a more humane treatment of dogs. Are novice dog owners even humane to their dogs? Do they even know proper handling, care and upkeep? This is serious topic that should concern even animal rights activists. It seems that people are running to pet stores to own dogs to fight depression and inertia- creating a social wall that says “don’t bother me” and “I am not accessible right now” and other mixed signals. We really need to highlight the fact that dog ownership is a privilege and should not be a mass cultural craze. We need to curtail the ownership of dogs by regulating the market for dogs, and advocating more humane treatment and enabling our society to be more culturally progressive. We are harming our social and cultural values when we see the rampant ownership of dogs rather than the integration of communities and creating more estrangement and alienation. I hope you will fight for the reduction of dog ownership in America.

Sunday, July 17, 2022