Saturday, December 18, 2010

How is Relative Time Measured . . .

How is relative time measured? Let us examine this problem. Let us observe the time it takes for an eagle to catch its prey. The eagle on its crag is an object of time as well as the prey that is hiding in the hedges below. The time it takes for the eagle to spot the prey can be measured as subjective, objectified time as well as objective, subjectified time. The earth and the winds of change will blow as the eagle will continue to observe its target, waiting for the right moment to attack. The target may be a small deer or a fox in the meadow, who is also an object and subject of time as it continues to graze unaware of its impending doom. It seems that form, that of the eagle and fox, is a capsule of time, measured by material change. Outside of form, there is subjective time that is also measured by material change but has a uniform and encompassing quality. The eagle is hunter and so it preys on the fox until a time that is appropriate for it attack. But objective time seems to negate this entire material function and leaves material change inert. Why? It seems that form is a determinate quality of objective time. Consider two foxes in the meadow or two eagles and the hunt taking place simultaneously. It seems that subjective time is also categorical or superfluous or denominated by objective time, or all time. How do we cope with this question? How is subjective time interrelated and why? The eagle sensing that the time has come to attack will fly off the crag in all its magnificence and swoop down to nab its prey. Considerable subjective time will have passed until the prey has succumbed to the eagle's prowess. Form and talent will determine the outcome of such an event - the eagle capturing its prey. But each actor is beholden to time and thus, a mutual victim. What happens when the fox is obliterated. It's subjective time ceases to be or it is subsumed as objective time so why then should such a form exist. Is it merely to feed the eagle's appetite for time and personal survival. Consider taking a flight to Hong Kong from New York. I will leave New York and reach Hong Kong in 16 hours or more. Considerable subjective time will be needed for my trip to take place and considerable objective time will have passed, such as night turning to day, or the shoreline receding or an iceberg melting. Is subjective time then a component of natural time and what is the difference. Is our time actionable and perceptible and why is it perceptible and actionable? We perceive the world through our own subjective time while objective time perceives us. Why should such a dialectic take place. It seems almost ignorant for such perceptible nihilism to be wanton. Time is a source of action on our part. Existence merely governs how that time is spent. We exist as a denomination of time. Time is passing, time is fleeting. Then how is relative time measured? Should it be a factor of subjective and objective time such as the age of the earth relative to all life on earth multiplied by the infinitude of space and the cosmos. It seems that we would never know true time until we knew the size of the cosmos and the duration of space and light. Even then we would subjectively measure time and have no explanation for the objective reality - that of existence. Are we all then subject to a frustrated existence where survival of the fittest is paramount. The more we see change, and change in ourselves, the more we are frustrated by the mortality of subjective time vis-a-vis objective time or overall time. The tree dies and decays but is raised again. The old wither and die and are born again, until all subjective time ceases and only consciousness remains. A supreme consciousness that has the power of creation for which no time is necessary. The athlete is a prisoner of time. As each hand whisks a tennis ball over the net during the course of a match, time is elapsed and competitive subjective time is measured. The ball traveling over the net relative to the power and force applied will determine the time it takes to reach the other side, each shot measured by an indefinite number of possibilities of force, speed and ricochet. Not only that but the players themselves will find themselves time-bound. Does the variance of each shot determine the subjective measurement of relative time. With each stroke, the player must wait for the ball to return and the variance will determine the length of time and thus, objective time will overrule subjective time and a time anomaly will ensue. Bodies will be subjected to a single time variance, no matter if that variance is ideal or if that action is time-justified. We must examine this problem more closely.

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