Monday, February 8, 2010


Today's blog topic is optimism. Why - because the world needs more optimism. Seeing the glass half full or better yet, seeing the glass full of enough water to satisfy your thirst and beyond. That's true optimism. Optimism is a great virtue. People can benefit in innumerable ways from an optimistic attitude. Given the recent tragic events in Haiti, people need optimism more than ever. With so much loss of life, one can easily feel depressed, let down, disappointed and even sorrowful. That in turn affects our emotional, mental and physical health. Optimism seems to renew and reinvigorate life. Even in the harshest circumstances, optimistic people seem to overcome. Or they should be more optimistic to relieve the pressure of their hardships. When one loses optimism, they see a dead end road. When one is optimistic, they welcome any obstacle and overcome it like a pole vault. Pessimism can seem like a disease. In my own personal life, I've overcome a lot of pain and suffering by being optimistic and discredit any pessimism that may have caused that adverse situation. As a single parent, my mother has always showed optimism when raising her children. She's always motivated me beyond my own ability and thus, I have surpassed my greatest expectations. Pessimism is brooding and dwells in the darkness of our minds until the light of day shines overhead and we discover that there is a lot to be grateful and that we can rely on a higher power who wants the best for us. No matter what fate may have in store, we should still declare our optimism freely and openly and let others sip from that cup that seems overflowing. Why fester or fuss over problems big and small when a dose of optimism can cure our most severe ills. Haiti can be optimistic; it should be optimistic that a new dawn will rise once again and that all will be repaired and renewed and that journey should be an optimistic one. Thus, the blessings of the work that lies ahead will be multiplied. I believe in optimism as a great preventer and even more so, a greater healer. When we can be optimistic, we can also be more spiritual, wise and extraordinary. While the raven may still hark at our chamber door and madness besets our hearts, the nightingale still sings her lovely hymn.

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