Thursday, February 18, 2010

Matter and Spirit

Today, we will take a giant leap forward and discuss matter and spirit. It is largely accepted that all matter has some spiritual quality. When we discussed matter and space, we inevitably precluded the spiritual and religious element. Spirit can be defined as the power that moves matter. Spirit exacts a highly discriminatory influence on matter. It coexists peaceably and sometimes unpeaceably with its material composition. For our purposes, we can define spirit in the traditional Chinese sense as chi or the Arabic, ruh. This is the central, motivation for matter or the breath that is instilled at birth and carries or lifts us much like the eagle or hawk in the sky. There are other forces at play, which is intelligent material such as the brain and the nervous system. These elements we can propose control our motor skills and enable the ruh to interact with the physiological primary. The human sperm as known scientifically interacts with matter to make material life operable. The spirit inflates matter as matter enlarges to accommodate the spirit in expendable ways. At the point of death, matter becomes inoperable and thus, the breath is lost. The brain dies and the breath that moved us has escaped its material confines. It’s also important to note that once the breath is lost, matter can hardly procreate. The dead don’t come back to life. What is spirit? Is it the oxygen we breathe or the air around us that is necessary to sustain life? Why does it show itself in dark, somber moments and sudden, loud outbursts? The soul, as it were, is precious to everyone and is thus, that part of ourselves that closely guards and protects our material well being. We move out of harm’s way. If we consider the soul from the predicate of nothingness, we realize its immense value. The mover that enables the material self to carry out its material obligation or obviate from such if the human will for good is considered. Human beings can often err on the side of moral wrong. Thus, the mover is critical to advancing the human being towards good actions. Discounting for a moment a philosophical assertion, the anthropological view of good would be simply hunting, fishing and gathering. Non-participation in these basic events if the mover refused would thus, be reprehensible. Consider the value of food, for instance. Without food and nourishment, matter cannot exist. This is true for all matter practically because matter is regenerative. Matter consumes matter in the form of food to sustain itself. Human beings need to eat and drink, thus prolonging their material life. If they do not eat or drink, they will perish. While the matter itself may perish due to lack of food, the mover does not perish. While it is bound to these material needs, the mover would then seem eternal. Not only a mover, the soul enables matter to respond to a higher calling. Why should there be a mover in a vast nothingness, carrying out theoretical material obligations within a quasi space and time continuum, if matter is finite and illusory. The spirit, while possessing an infinite, supernatural quality, is demoted to the material vessel in which it resides and is in many ways commanded and commands the material reality. The spirit is vocal either ostensibly or passively. Death is the ultimate climax for the spirit. It is its release from its material bonds. Here is the rub. When the spirit is released, we can distinguish its otherness from time, space and matter itself. While the mover exists independent of matter itself, it becomes the most elusive anomaly. We have determined thus far, that matter and space are one and while space may be intelligent, the spirit or soul that is also acquired through a material interaction becomes a non-material thing through a spiritual transition. The mover cannot be parsed together with the existence of matter and space. While the mover is also subject to nothingness and descends from nothingness, it certainly plays a major part in our lives. We know that matter and space are highly complementary, but for the spatial preposition to be accepted, the need for a mover becomes evident. That mover that determines our material obligation (hunting, fishing, gathering or stalking its prey) in an objective reality that is imposed by spatial intelligence telegenically is a highly transcendental thing. The question arises – does nothingness move? If matter moves, can we deduce that it is moved? Again, we grind against the wall of mystery. If matter does move, and it is only a spatial obligation that it is fulfilling across an infinite number of material possibilities that are not subject to the influence of time, then we can only conclude that a material mover and a divine mover or God are working together.

Out of the night that covers me
black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeonings of chance
my head is bloody, but unbowed
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms but the horror of the shade
and yet the menace of the years
finds, and shall find me, unafraid
It matters not how strait the gate
how charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul

"Invictus," by William Earnest Henley

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