Thursday, February 11, 2010

Matter and Gravity

Yesterday, I wrote of matter and space. I'd like to follow-up with some thoughts on matter and gravity. While we have determined that matter is constituted within space and is quasi-space, we also know that gravity affects all matter. Science tells us that gravity is the force of attraction between all masses in the universe. This force is ultimately what enables us to walk and traverse the planet, which may also be shaped by gravity (the oblong sphere). The more massive the matter the greater its gravitational pull. Thus the earth in orbit seems to rest in orbit as a result of its gravitational pull vis-a-vis other celestial bodies. The force of the gravity shared between these bodies is immensely greater than the weight of human matter as it also adheres to common gravity. Given these assumptions, we can deduce that all mankind must be floating on air if matter and space coexist. But the illusion persists. We do not fly or soar and even the eagle must strive to take to the air. What is our purpose then as material beings that reside in space and are controlled by gravity that is constant and endures. Did the Egyptians consider this when they envisioned the great sphinx as a winged creature. Our fascination with aeronautics seems to stem from a desire to defy gravity. The gravity factor or the postulation of the lack thereof seems to thwart our understanding of ourselves and our purpose and deserves more reflection. A material supposition seems to compel all life on the planet to adhere to gravity. Without the material supposition, we are more greatly defined by eternal space and nothingness. We are satisfied by the temporality of our material existence, as plants are replenished by water and sunlight, animals graze freely on the land and procreate and human beings raise civilizations. A phenomenon when one considers our overall spatial coexistence. Gravity or better yet, the structure of the universe seems to demand a material obligation. This should be recognized by us to reevaluate our progress. Matter in its current form would seem abominable without the existence of gravity. All our animals would be flying out of the barn, suspended in space, in temporal, material reality unable to fulfill material obligations or demands, which are also spatial. Are human beings reduced to an assortment of moving parts that are only defined by an ephemeral material obligation to exist and fulfill their material demands as it is defined by gravity. The state of wonder is breathtaking. We must ask what we are building and why we are pushing the giant stones at the foot of our pyramids. Time seems to promote the material, spatial obligation, as matter ages and strives to promote itself through material consumption. Yet matter is finite. It almost seems as if matter and being are programmed to perform material obligations despite the material prejudice if only to satisfy time, whence time depends on material passage that is erstwhile, spatial. The question poses a colossal problem.

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