Monday, September 7, 2020

Eradicating Scavenger Species in Africa


More than anything, and one of the greatest issues concerning us all, is the eradication of scavenger species in Africa. The perpetuation of such species is detrimental to us all due to the harm that it causes our ecosystem. Scavenger species are the worst in all of Africa and their persistence is currently bringing down the natural world. We need to intervene and eradicate the primary scavengers in Africa that are causing so much torment and bring more peace and restoration to Africa. Contrary to conservationists who advocate the survival of such species due to their endangered status, we need to completely eradicate such species- as hyenas, foxes, wolves jackals and wild African dogs- to bring restoration back to Africa.

These malevolent species cause massive destruction on a wide scale in Africa. They cause an aberration in the natural selection process that Darwin taught and are literally ripping Africa apart. Hyenas often do the most damage and their manner of killing is obscene and downright brutal. They often eat their victims alive and such a manner of killing should be opposed.  The same manner is exhibited by African dogs and both species are a menace in Africa. We need eliminate such species as hyenas and African dogs since they are an aberrant species and commence an eradication plan to remove these species from Africa and the entire world.

The spread of such species endangers the survival of other species and impedes natural selection or evolution. The interference of such species in the propagation of other species is the number one reason why these species pose such a threat. Now as we have the benefit of video that reveals so much brutality of the behavior of such species, we can resolve to intervene and eliminate such a destructive species and bring it down. Hyenas and wild dogs kill mercilessly and the sight of such attacks and the reality of such gross acts can move us to eradicate these species. Such a species must be destroyed just like a virus, plague or disease that ravages an entire forest. We must not let false animal conservationists to determine the fate of these species but most take it upon ourselves to systematically kill off such a predatory species.

Hyenas that have such a basic evolution of the animal species that have only evolved to kill pose the greatest threat and are inconsistent with the large-scale evolutionary model of our ecosystem. They, like dogs, are a transient species that are only intent on killing for survival. There is no purpose but the need to feed and gorge, and is intermittent or at best, transient. Therefore, human intervention is necessary to bring the balance back and even more necessarily, eradicate such a harmful species by hunting or even poaching such animals for their skins or fur.

There is no such menacing, scary and heathen animal like the hyena who hunts and kills mercilessly often ripping its victims apart. It must be destroyed to let other species flourish. True science recognizes the harmful effects a species can have if it interacts in the wild or a natural habitat and if its presence is not consistent with the prosperity of all other species, then it must be destroyed. Such vile acts that are despicable among humans should not be condoned or witnessed in the animal kingdom. We must hunt and destroy such species as hyenas and African dogs.

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