Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Light, Time and Space

What is light and how does it correspond to matter? Let us ruminate on this phenomenon. Does light exist as a quantum of matter or does matter produce light as a counterbalancing force. It seems that matter is self-perpetuating by producing light to sustain itself. Light travels over millions of years from far-off galaxies to reach the planet and to touch our eyes. Why? We are also tanned by light and the sun is a light-giving and life-giving force. Light can save or it can destroy. It is also multi-faceted and can be reflected in multi-dimensional ways across a diverse spectrum. Why is light multi-dimensional and multi-colored? What are its components? Without light, we would not be able to see? The stars in the sky twinkle and exude light for our eyes to behold. It seems that matter is not only an organic element governed by an infinite number of material possibilities and dynamics, but also consumed by light and radiation. Light affects our pigment. Some animals tan, others do not. The skin that sheds on animals may be an outcome of thousands of years of evolution as light transforms their bodies. A chameleon can change the color of its skin and birds are often identified by their color. It doesn't seem that light can be captured in a bottle and is quite transparent. Which begs the question - is it matter or a concomitant mover. If the moon did not shine at night, the nights would be pitch black, thus hindering our ability to see. Plants and trees and leaves require a tremendous amount of light to exist and light is essential to photosynthesis. Thus, we consume light as a particle of food. How is the mover affected by light? Light can pierce our bodies or skin but how does it interact with the mover? If light did not exist, would the mover? But light is a quantum of time? It takes time for light to travel over great distances. The mover seems independent of time. Is the mover and light interrelated and how? Does the origin of light within a material universe a metaphysical oxymoron. Is light a precursor to matter, time and matter, itself and does it govern our material hypotheticals? Does our sun govern our material obligations in any way? Does light spin the wheels of the mover as it exists in a material realm? Does the mover exist in light? This recalls countless, biblical analogies that solemnize the value of night and day, light and dark. Thus, the mover as an indemnity of matter should recognize the existence and infinitude of light. One thing is certain - light is everywhere. Ergo, the process of illumination often governs our academic and civic way of lives. If we demote our livelihood to darkness, then we undermine the value of light and become hypocritical movers. Light cannot be denied and should be recognized as omnipresent. Is light intelligent? When a bulb lights up, we credit Thomas Edison as the inventor. The bulb does not capture light but only magnifies existing light that is not turned on, so to speak. The photons or electrons have not been charged or transmitted through a proper channel. We should consider light with a more colossal possibility. If we can place light in a bulb or jar, then why not consider a bigger jar that transmits a larger quotient of light. The spectrum expands, producing considerable more material possibilities. Matter once again seems finite. It can only go so far to advance the components of light. Is light form? As a quantum of matter, it can be advanced as form. When matter interacts with matter to procreate and light is transferable to produce a desired or determined result, can we also postulate, that light is conscionable or self-knowing. How does it know and what causes such knowledge? Consider a dirty glass window and a clean glass window. Light transmitted through a dirty glass window would be immensely distorted, obscured, or misfigured, whereas a clean glass window, will reflect that same light in a more clear, holistic and molecular way. But light also seems persistent and a dirty glass window would not retard light altogether but place a temporary block like blinds on office windows. The light is persistent. Whereas, a a dirty old man, or homeless person may seem uncouth and dull, the mover within who is independent of that physical state, may still embody light in a holistic way. Light is illusory or can produce illusions, delusions and dreamlike thinking. When the blinds are lifted, then the light that pierces through can vanquish darkness like vampires. We should focus on light when we consider the journey of the mover.

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