Monday, November 7, 2011

Fixed Time Opportunities and The Winning Shot (Part 2)

When we consider the winning shot, we must first assume that the probabilities of what can happen during the game are infinite, so that at any moment, something new can happen.  Since time passes anyway, and material properties are simply superfluous and need not exist for the sake of time, we consider them to be fixed.  Since time is the common denominator for all material properties such as the players playing in the game and everything that might occur is divisible accordingly by time, and time is unifiable, each player's performance may vary but will be motivated by the object of the game, to score as many points as possible to win.  Since the extinction of any material property cannot alter time, all players are thus, equal in their performance.  The result of the game as a fixed time event, such as when we time a runner during a race, or praise the record time.  When we consider the high school basketball game, we may wonder why the game is being played at all, since we interpret time in diverse ways.  I could be writing a book during the time the game is being played, or knitting a sweater.  When we consider how the game is won; the star player catching the ball and before the final seconds tick away, miraculously scores the winning basket, we are genuinely impressed by his act of athletic heroism.  The game is won in dramatic fashion and the winning team celebrates, and while the shot could have missed, it fell through the basket and changed the outcome of the game.  Does the result simply bestow a sense of elation for the winning team or something else.  Since the time is fixed, there could only be two possibilities - the shot scoring and the shot missing.  The ball could also roll around the basket and fall in, but the probability will always be divisible by two.  Thus, the winning shot that could have missed, but scored, signifies the uniformity of time across a fixed duration, where one event supersedes the probability of something else happening.  When 1 represents the outcome, 2 as the probability of missing the goal, and zero as the fixed opportunity, we calculate a 50 percent chance for either event to occur.  Since time has a zero value, what could happen before time runs out, is divisible by two, a fixed action that is not divisible by an infinite time value.  If the player missed the shot, it will always leave a probability of 1, or the shot scoring.  If the shot is made, it overrides the probability of missing the goal, since the event is indivisible by time.  Since either event is fixed as a denominator of time, the winning shot represents the infinite value of a fixed time event.  Since either probability is divisible by time, and represents a single fixed measurement of time, the probability of missing the goal on a fixed time scale is 0 to 1.  Thus, if you miss, the probability of scoring the goal will always be 1; and conversely, if you make the shot, the probability of missing the shot is always 0, and thus, why we consider the winning shot to be a fixed time opportunity that has an infinite value.

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