Sunday, April 25, 2010

Shape and Form

Today's discussion will be on shape and form and how it correlates to time and space. Let's analyze shape and how it coexists within space as a quantum of matter. Shapeless matter does not exist so shape is absolutely necessary for matter to exist. Since matter and space are largely intertwined, shape serves as an emblem of the illusion to make it work. We define shapes as basic - squares, rectangles, circles and more complex, human beings, leaves, shapes of animals, rocks; and synthetic shapes such as ceramics, electronics, batteries, medicine and miscellaneous objects. Consider this - not all material shapes require the presence of a mover. Alas, inanimate shapes are stationary. They are either fashioned by nature or human beings who mold shapes to benefit their material lives or fulfill a material necessity. The existence of inanimate shapes leads to a highly thoughtful consideration. Proof of the existence of an objective mover, supermover or God. The mere appearance of inanimate objects and shapes within the material universe is undeniable proof of the existence of God. The objects do not take shape on their own and seem to be compelled by an outside, immaterial force that produces these quantifiable, shapely phenomenon. Then, so why are some forms and shapes instilled with life? While all shapes may be biological, differing only in the amount of time that is needed to deconstruct and decompose the shape, why is a human being or an animal, infused with a spirit? Why also are other objects stationary and cannot be infused with a spirit? A container cannot get up and walk out of the building. But the shape of a leaf as an extension of nature does undergo drastic, natural changes as does animal life during the course of its spiritual voyage. While the presence of a spiritual mover on earth is awe-inspiring, it does lead to the larger question of a higher and more powerful supernatural force that moves all things, animate and inanimate alike. If we dismiss time as a relativity of space, we conclude that only the mover exists and thus all material life presents a subjective illusion. Only God remains eternal. What is the importance of shape? It seems that shape is only a facility to perform material obligations such as a leaf on a tree branch or water in the ocean. While water takes on the shape of its container, in and of itself, in it's most basic molecular composition, it is still bound to a specific shape. Why does a tree have branches? It seems that matter has an intelligent, shape-giving conscience. The tree grows leaves that are consistent with its material needs and human beings give birth to other human beings that possess the shape of an eye, ear, lips, organs and extremities. The shape of the lion or tiger for example is also conducive to its predatory nature. The alligator's teeth are sharp for a reason. Thus, we conclude that matter as a proponent of shape and form, is intelligible (in a derogatory sense) based on the a priori rule. The a priori rule in this case, should be redefined as an all priori rule since time is demoted, thus proving the existence of an omnipotent God. Since matter is immaterial and form or shape is a relativity of matter, we must wonder what part of the divine buffet is eternal. Obviously, the mover fulfilling material obligations becomes a servant of God and as a result, gains everlasting life or paradise by performing material actions that it would otherwise not be bound. If matter is an illusion, is the shape or ephemeral outline of matter as it relates to this super conscience invisible and visible. If we dismiss matter altogether, does form or shape prevail within the eternal, grand design. That also seems unlikely since one is essential for the other but does offer a rationale for infinite, immaterial obligations fulfilled by the finite capacity of matter. Can form exist without matter? Can the mover exist without matter? We realize the mover can exist without matter since the mover is primary. Can the mover exist without form? Also true, since form is a relativity of a material want or need and seems to be visible and invisible. What is eternal life when the mover is free from matter and shape? It seems to enter a super conscience that governs all existence and exists for the sake of or not the sake of material, transitory life. Finally, the finiteness of matter and form, and the biological parting from material life through old age, sickness or decay is merely a corroboration of material facts that seem to say that "we are eternal and materially contradictory". Why? It seems more more that matter and shape are merely doors to an eternal universe, that time unlocks to reveal the glory that resides beyond the material threshold.

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