Sunday, September 20, 2009

Divine Knowledge

What is Divine Knowledge? All knowledge is an extension of the divine or our interpretation of the divine. Our belief in God as religio-sapiens and sentient beings compels us in so many ways to define our world and our existence through a divine lens. We must remember that as teachers and educators and be very careful that we be consistent with the goal of our collective journey that justifies the effectuation of our human soul - to study the divine and find means to reach the core of divine knowledge to promote human progress and return. This harkens back to the ancient Egyptians and their efforts to seek out divine knowledge or the Italian Rennaissance or the spiritual rise of the Islamic expansion. When our minds and hearts accept that all is the result of an Unmoved Mover - the a priori tarot - the finger that breathes life into an animate object by moving it with a gentle push is the epitome of God who moves us all through His free will. It's the marionnette that moves at the tug of divine strings but gains spiritual salvation when instilled with free will to worship and serve in the realm of the divine and face the satanic verse. As human beings, we can form communities, nations and world orders but to each his own when divine knowledge dawns upon our marble heads like the eureka moment of the philosophers descending upon those who are preordained to receive that knowledge and to share with others like the light of heaven above. Let us not forget our true purpose in the world - epitomized by the inscription on Kant's gravestone - "two things fill my mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more intensely the reflection dwells on them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me." That for time immemorial has been our goal in this life and whence we forget to reach for those heights best spoken by the father of the categorical imperative - we cease to be human beings unified for the worship of the unified God. I recently republished a book I had written several years ago titled The Shadow of God. While it is a novel of war and the lust for power, it does tell of a time when divine knowledge was the highest order of the day and a society that drank and thrived rightfully from its heavenly chalice. While we rise and fall, succeed or fail in our hope to achieve divine knowledge, we must at least try to stay the course and do what's ultimately right in our efforts to redeem this timeless honor. I encourage you to read The Shadow of God, now available in paperback as a casual study on divine knowledge:

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