Friday, January 15, 2021

Life after the Pandemic


I think we can all agree that the pandemic has taught us how to live better and that’s something that we should carry on in our lives. As a whole, we have learned to live better lives, sanitize daily, wear masks to protect ourselves and take care of our bodies. We are more wary of our personal hygiene and compelled to wash hands and keep our bodies and homes clean and be tested. We have also learned to treat others with respect and kindness. We have given each other space and social distancing has taught us how to respect one another and keep our distance that enables safety and healthier living. We are considerably better for it and we should carry on such good habits even when the pandemic is over.

Personally, I am grateful and happier interacting with people on Zoom when I need to that I never experienced before and the simplicity of turning on a zoom call has opened new doors and I am able to communicate better with my peers and it has offered much more freedom. It is also easier to telecommute during the pandemic that has changed my view and made me appreciate remote learning and social distancing as a great social virtue. We really should preserve such noble social norms into the future. If we go back to the old ways, let us not forget the simplicity, ease and humanness that have come with such a social transformation.

We all should appreciate the newfound grace and knowledge that we have gained due to the pandemic on how to live better lives and keep ourselves more spiritually intact as a result. For a lot of people, these new rules have been a saving grace and it is clear that they have found a safe haven due to the pandemic to carry on with their lives and be more active and productive citizens.  I am amazed by the kindness and congeniality that people have showed me during the pandemic and the care and concern that we all have for one another during this time is venerable.

From businesses to interactions on the subways, trains and buses, to neighbors and family friends and acquaintances, we are better for it and the pandemic has brought out all of our humanity. When crowded subways and buses, crammed spaces and workspaces, and crowded streets and supermarkets were frustrating and unbearable, we have seen a dramatic change in the way we live and how things could be a lot better with a simple caution and consideration. Can’t we make this last?

We can all learn from the behavior that has emerged out of the pandemic that shows us that we need to be better citizens for the sake and preservation of our society. We should carry on that legacy no matter when the pandemic ends but to continue to be watchful and mindful citizens who care for one another and all members of our society. We should embody those same qualities and show the same caring and concern that we are showing now even when the pandemic is over to truly have a model society and be model citizens. We owe it to ourselves and perhaps, it is part of some divine plan, that we should have become more humane due to a terrible tragedy and loss.

AJ Naseem is a writer and blogger. He is also an online tutor that has found solace and newfound wisdom is his work due to the pandemic.